ডিপ্লোমা-ইন-ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং ৩য়, ৫ম ও ৭ম পর্বের ক্লাস আগামী ১৯-০১-২০২৫ তারিখ হতে শুরু হবে।

English Language Club

English Language Club

Mission & Vision:
Enhancing students' proficiency in the English language by improving communication skills and participating in various national and international competitions.

Club Activities:
1.      The club President, under the guidance of the moderator, will hold a meeting with the Executive Committee members every two weeks.
2.      Organizing weekly quizzes.
3.      Holding at least one workshop per year.
4.      Organizing competitions with students each semester.
5.      Participating in and sending representatives to various competitions organized at institutional, national, and international levels.
6.      Publishing an annual magazine/ Booklet on the activities of the club.
7.   Organizing English drama performances.