ডিপ্লোমা-ইন-ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং ৩য়, ৫ম ও ৭ম পর্বের ক্লাস আগামী ১৯-০১-২০২৫ তারিখ হতে শুরু হবে।

Cultural Club

Cultural Club

Mission & Vision:
To awaken students' values, develop leadership, and cultivate a secular personality through the practice of pure culture. By fostering an appreciation for native culture, students can nurture their latent talents and intellectual growth.

Club Activities:
1.      The club President, under the guidance of the Moderator, will hold a meeting with the Executive Committee members every two weeks.
2.      To organize the celebration of various national and international days.
3.      To organize various educational and cultural competitions for students every semester.
4.      To organize at least one workshop each year.
5.      Assisting in organizing the orientation for new students and the course completion ceremony.
6.      Organizing activities that foster the development of students' hidden talents.
7.      Participating in and sending representatives to various cultural events organized at institutional, national, and international levels.
8.      Publishing a Wall Magazine (Deyalika) on various occasions.
9.   Publishing an annual magazine/ Booklet on the activities of the club.
10.  Assisting in cultural events at other MAWTS functions, such as the annual sports competition.